Supplying Artwork

What file format should I supply my artwork?

In some cases Jpeg files can be accepted but most professional printing companies will print from PDF files, so if you’re not supplying in PDF then they will at some point need to be converted. A jpeg file is already an image, whereas a PDF file will contain image but the text will be ‘vector’ so its very sharp. Supplying Jpeg documents can cause the text to print slightly blurred, as a Jpg file should only really be used for images.

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Do I need to supply my documents with ‘bleed’?

If your design has colour from edge to edge then we require ‘bleed’. Bleed is when a document is printed slightly bigger than required its then trimmed back to the original size after printing, this is to allow for small movement of your job on the press and guillotine and avoids any unsightly slithers of white around the edges. We require 3mm of bleed on all edges, so if you are printing an A4 document, then we need it to be 216mm x 297mm and then its trimmed back to 210mm x 297mm.

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Should I supply my artwork in CMYK colours or will RGB be ok?

All printing companies print in CMYK. Any files supplied in RGB colours are prone to a colour shift when converted to CMYK, its much better to convert the colours using the original file so the designer can keep control of any shift, rather than the printer converting it automatically where there is less control.

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Can I use images I have from the web?

The internet uses images which are only 72dpi (dots per inch) Whereas 300dpi is required for high quality printing. You can use a 72dpi image as long as its 4 x the size you require to use it, so a good rule of thumb is that if you see an image on your screen which is too large to view unless you zoom out then this usually means its of high enough resolution for print. Using a 72dpi image taken directly from the web and imported into your document at the same size you need it, is likely to be too low resolution and this will cause it to print blurry and pixelated. 

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Do I need to supply my files with ‘crop marks’ or ‘registration marks’?

Ideally yes as it will speed up your order. But it’s not a problem if you aren’t able to add them, we can add them for you

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